About the site

Created: 2014-09-14; last major update: 2015-01-14


This page is about this site; for information about myself, see About me.


This site is my attempt to realize gwern’s idea of Long Content—i.e. the goal is to incrementally update the pages so as to produce useful, lasting content.1 In particular, I strive to make all the source files used to produce this site human-readable (by writing pages in Pandoc markdown), version-controlled (with git), and freely-licensed (all pages are at least CC-BY, with some in the public domain2; the software used to make this site is all free software). I also like to release early, release often; I actually don’t deploy the site as often, but I try to commit to the git repository often—so my site is the result of many incremental updates.

Inspired by Vipul Naik, I am also experimenting with the tree structure of this site.


Here are the tools used to build and run this site.

Most pages are written using Vim using the Pandoc markdown syntax. For each page that was manually written, the source markdown file can be accessed by clicking “page source” at the top of that page. The markdown files are then compiled to HTML using a static site generator I wrote, which is stored in generator.py in the repository3.

The style sheet for this site is written in SASS and compiled to CSS. It uses Ethan Schoonover’s light solarized theme (for code colors) as well as small ideas from various places like Gwern’s site, GitHub’s (old) documentation pages, and the gitit CSS.

All of the source files necessary to build this site are hosted on GitHub. You can visit the repository by clicking “website source” at the top of any page. I also have a mirror on BitBucket.

The actual site is served via Linode, using Apache 2 on a 64-bit Debian 7 (Wheezy) machine. I currently use the Linode 1GB $10 per month plan.

I have registered the domains issarice.com and riceissa.com through Hover.

Getting updates

I have an RSS feed for this site. For more ways to get updates, see Feed.

Belief and status tags

I use status tags and belief tags on this site, both of which are ideas I got from gwern’s site. These are both meant to tell the reader how the author regards the content on a page. I find that it’s mostly useful in cases where I want to say “I’ve only briefly thought about this topic, and haven’t really spent much effort working on this page, so even though I think it’s worth making public, you shouldn’t take this page very seriously, nor should you think that I believe the things I’m writing”—but don’t want to keep repeating that all the time (so I just tag these pages with “Status: notes; belief: possible” or something).

  1. Of course, more cynically, one could quote Scott Alexander about the reason many people have personal websites:

    You know how if you’re under the age of thirty you have to have a personal webpage with your name, your photo, your resume, and then a link to your blog or something like that?

    Well, this is mine. Plus a little extra.

    In this case, this site would just be my attempt to “be cool”, instead of serving useful content.

  2. So content will be copied, making the data safe.

  3. Although the static site generator I wrote is freely licensed, I don’t recommend that others use it (at least for now); it is somewhat of a hack that I put together to get some features I wanted working (but found lacking in other static site generators). Instead, one can find a list of many static site generators here.

Tags: general, site info.

The content on this page is in the public domain.