About me

Created: 2014-09-13; last major update: 2015-08-27


This page is about myself (Issa Rice); for information about this website, see About the site.


I am highly introverted1 and curious about a wide array of things. My interests include cause prioritization, effective altruism, vegetarianism and veganism, the free content movement (e.g. copyleft and the Creative Commons), the free software movement, typography (though mostly just with LaTeX and this website), content creation, longevity, neoteny, cute things and people, androgyny, castration and eunuchs, pederasty2, long-term thinking, the quantified self, LessWrong-style rationality, EconLog, unschooling, hikikomori, some kinds of music, and existential risk.

I spend a lot of time on various sites online, including Facebook and Quora. My contact page has a longer list of my online accounts.

I am also currently a second-year student at University of Washington.


My email address is . See Contact for more options and account names I use on various websites.


I have a photo you can use to identify me.


See How should I properly pronounce your name? for information about my name.

  1. See my profile page for more about my personality and views.

  2. From “Those Whom The Gods Love Grow Young: Some Notes on Wilde, Greece & Youth”:

    But when you subtract all of our warped assumption, you’re left with just youth. Youth is just a quality any human can have, potentially at any age. Youth is a freshness and a beauty and form of strength that can be shared with another human in exchange for wisdom and strength of other varieties. We forget that a fifteen year old is as much a complete human as a fifty year old because society has been built in order to let the old dominate, exploit and indoctrinate the young according to the tenets of the child / adult dichotomy. But as a complete human, they deserve the same rights, respect and liberty to which anything born with humanity is heir.

Tags: personal.

The content on this page is in the public domain.