
Created: 2015-02-28; last major update: 2015-08-10
Status: notes; belief: possible


I’m still learning more about Vim even today, even though I started using it back in 2011 (or even before that). One thing I learned really recently is that Vim has very sophisticated ex mode features. I had always been frustrated by the fact that ex mode seemed way too limited, since I couldn’t even get bash-style keys like <C-a> to go to the beginning of the line to work. But it turns out I was wrong; see :h cmdline.txt for more, as well as :h usr_20.txt, which is referenced in the first help page. But for instance, you can type q: to enter essentially insert mode within ex mode, which allows you to do regular Vi keys to edit commands. I also learned that <C-b> is the right way to go to the beginning of a line in ex mode; you can change this with cnoremap <C-a> <C-b> too though; also see :h emacs-keys to make keybindings more “sane”.

Poor-man’s folding

It’s certainly possible to use something like nelstrom/vim-markdown-folding to get proper folding in Vim. But what if one is on a remote machine, for instance? It’s always useful to know efficient ways to work in Vim even when one does not have access to one’s accustomed plugins. Here’s a cool way to navigate a long markdown document, assuming all headers begin with #. It’s possible to use :g/pattern to search for an expression in the current buffer and print the results. For markdown files, just type :g/^# to see all headers, for instance. Then, once one has found the heading one was looking for, note the line number (say, 10) and then type :10<CR> to get there.

Plugins or not?

Note, this section isn’t balanced.

Lately I’ve been thinking that it’s perhaps more desirable to simply learn Vim well instead of trying to customize Vim “needlessly”; are many plugins merely distractions? In other words, maybe relying so heavily on some Vim plugins might just be an indication that you don’t know Vim well. See for instance Kevin Beckford’s answer to Vim: How can I learn to write a vimrc?:

Preferentially, waste time reading how vim works, rather than scripting it. Vimscript is an interesting language, but I feel learning the options that would go into a .vimrc is more important.

Something like a “Unix philosophy for text editing”:

Or as roel_v points out on Hacker News:

I’ve used vim for coming on 15 years now, so I feel that I may qualify as ‘experienced’. My biggest productivity gain was giving up on endless customization after I had reached a certain proficiency (e.g., everything in the original article is rather basic vim usage) and comfortable workflow for specific development purposes (e.g. when switching to a new language, I spend some time setting vim up to solve the most glaring pain points and once it feels comfortable, I stop customizing). All the mucking about with various baroque plugins and ever-more-marginal keystroke-saving key mappings costs a lot more time than what can be gained from it. For example, I used to have a bunch of mappings that would insert documentation blocks in various forms. Just misremembering the mapping once a day causes enough workflow disruption to undo any gains from having them in the first place. Nowadays I just type comments / docblocks by hand. It’s a few more keystrokes, but a lot more natural and flexible.

Also, staying as close as possible to the default settings makes it a lot easier to move to other environments and/or upgrade. Although now that I have my .vimrc in my Dropbox it doesn’t matter as much as it used to.

Another “essence” of Vim, as Tim Pope says:

Don’t use a map when a command will do. Vim doesn’t even have a map for :write.

Though maybe the most important metric is: if adding a new feature slows down your text editor, you have to think: does having this feature speed me up enough that the slower editor is still better than not having that feature? I do think that having some mappings (like jj and kk to escape from insert mode) really do increase my editing speed. The same argument could be made for some plugins like vim-fugitive.

See also the “light” versus “dark” distinction explained in Sharpen your Vim with snippets.

Small things

Tags: computing, vim.

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