Making my working environment portable
Just some notes for now.
- Making configuration files for common programs (vim, etc.) available online.
- Placing more things in public/online (especially on github) so they’re easily accessible.
- Dealing with “cloud software”
- Also the problem of remembering passwords when using an arbitrary computer
- One problem I’ve had: I like to use Linux Mint for my main computer, but some of my old computers (which I use once in a while) have Debian, and UW CSE lab computers use Fedora. Dealing with different distros and versions of software on computers is slightly tricky (e.g. compiling documents with LaTeX or Pandoc could yield different output). Even dealing with Vim plugins is slightly tricky, since e.g. Fedora’s Vim doesn’t seem to have Python (so things like UltiSnips don’t work).
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