Last substantive revision: 2016-10-26
I use Newsbeuter to read RSS and Atom feeds. On a server, I have a cronjob that runs newsbeuter -x reload
. This is useful for archiving some sites that I don’t regularly want to read.
browser firefox
auto-reload yes
suppress-first-reload yes
#max-items 20
bind-key ^R reload-all
# use J and K for inter-feed navigation and j and k for smaller
# movements
unbind-key J
unbind-key K
bind-key J next-feed
bind-key K prev-feed
unbind-key j
unbind-key k
bind-key j down "all"
bind-key k up "all"
# quitting is like moving left and viewing items is like moving right
unbind-key l
bind-key l open
unbind-key h
bind-key h quit
# modified from the default given at
color background default default
color listnormal default default
color listfocus default white
color listnormal_unread default default
color listfocus_unread default white
color info default white
color article default default
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