Account names
Last substantive revision: 2017-04-02
Below I list the account names I use on various websites. As with software, I like to sign up for a lot of online services to try them out, even though I know I won’t continue using most of them.
I usually use “riceissa” on most sites. This is a historical accident: when I tried to sign up for my Gmail account, “issarice” was already taken, so I picked “riceissa” instead. Since then, I’ve sort of standardized on “riceissa” for most services, although I also use “issarice”.
- My Google account name is riceissa. In particular, my Gmail address is
- My Facebook account name is riceissa. I check Facebook regularly throughout the day. I generally accept all friend requests that don’t appear to be spam; having some mutual friends or messaging me simultaneously with your friend request will let me know that your profile is genuine.
- I check Quora on occasion. My Quora account name is Issa-Rice.
- I have a Pinboard account. I tested out Pinboard for a year and didn’t renew my payment afterward so it is now frozen.
- I have a LinkedIn profile. I don’t use LinkedIn much, but feel free to connect with me.
- I am riceissa on Twitter. I don’t use Twitter much, and when I do it’s mostly to read what others have tweeted.
- I am riceissa on Pinterest. I created the account after making additions to the Timeline of Pinterest page on Wikipedia – I got curious about the site and decided to play around.
Rationality/Effective Altruism community
- I am riceissa on LessWrong and Riceissa on the LessWrong Wiki.
- I am riceissa on the Effective Altruism Forum.
- I have a profile on the Effective Altruism Hub.
- I have a Patreon profile that I use experimentally.
- I am riceissa on PredictionBook.
- I am IssaRice on Good Judgment Open.
- I am riceissa on GitHub. You can browse my public repositories and my public gists.
- I am riceissa on Bitbucket; I use it mainly to mirror some projects I have on GitHub.
- I am riceissa on GitLab.
- I am riceissa on Stack Overflow.
- I am IssaRice on Hacker News.
- My Vim Tips Wiki contributions
Websites I run or someone I know runs
- I am Issa on the Timelines Wiki, which I run.
- I am both issa and Issa Rice on Cause Prioritization Wiki, which I run. I originally used “issa” as my account, but gitit, the software that runs the wiki, uses the committer name (in my case, “Issa Rice”, as I have Git configured to use my real name) as the account name for offline edits. Seeing this, I decided to start using “Issa Rice” for online edits as well.
- I am Riceissa on the Cognito Mentoring wiki, which is created by Vipul Naik and Jonah Sinick.
- I am IssaRice on the Machine Learning wiki, created by Vipul Naik.
- I am IssaRice on the Demography Subwiki, created by Vipul Naik.
- I am IssaRice on the Calculus Subwiki, created by Vipul Naik. Apparently I never made any edits on this wiki.
- I have a blog that I used to maintain. (Now I just write here instead.)
- I am Riceissa on the English Wikipedia.
- I am Riceissa on the WikiMedia Meta Wiki.
- I am Issa Rice on wikiHow.
- You can see all of my Stack Exchange accounts.
- I am riceissa on Reddit. I occasionally use Reddit to look for information, but don’t really post.
- I am IssaRice on the Archiveteam wiki.
- My Internet Archive account
- My Goodreads account. I rarely finish books. Usually what I do is to look at the parts that interest me or that are relevant to something I am working on. This could mean I read most of the book or just a few chapters or even just a small section. At least by default Goodreads has only “read”, “currently reading”, and “want to read” as options, and I’m not sure which of the first two I should select given my reading style.
- My MyAnimeList account
- I am Issa-Rice on Couchsurfing. I made the account but I have never used the site for couchsurfing.
- I am riceissa on Disqus. I made a couple of scattered comments using the service but haven’t used it in years.