List of pages sorted by date of last substantive revision
This is a list of pages on this site that have a “last substantive revision” date, ordered by the date of last modification. Note that insubstantial changes are not taken into account here; to see a more volatile list, see List of all pages on this site.
- Emacs, 2017-07-18
- Software, 2017-06-19
- My Quora answers, 2017-06-04
- Outline of the style of social science research that Vipul Naik advocates, 2017-06-03
- GitHub punch card exploration, 2017-05-19
- Effective altruism, 2017-04-29
- Against Malaria Foundation, 2017-04-28
- Amazon Mechanical Turk, 2017-04-27
- Total spending in global health, 2017-04-12
- List of high-rank websites without a Wikipedia page, 2017-04-04
- Open Philanthropy Project non-grant funding, 2017-04-02
- Extracting beliefs from public statements, 2017-04-02
- Account names, 2017-04-02
- Wikipedia, 2017-03-30
- tmux, 2017-03-26
- Firefox, 2017-03-10
- Tabular presentation, 2017-02-25
- arbtt, 2017-02-06
- Individual transparency, 2017-01-28
- Disk encryption on Linux, 2017-01-28
- Independent research funding, 2017-01-24
- My posts on the Malaria Research Discussion Group, 2017-01-12
- Claims about DDT, 2017-01-03
- Donation history, 2017-01-02
- Correspondence between beliefs and predictions, 2017-01-02
- Music log, 2016-12-29
- Git, 2016-12-29
- Fonts, 2016-12-29
- Export Chrome history, 2016-12-25
- Desktop background, 2016-12-22
- Malaria notes, 2016-12-20
- Music On Console, 2016-12-15
- Difficulties with altruistic content creation, 2016-12-11
- Charities calculation, 2016-12-09
- Versioning prose, 2016-12-05
- Analytics for this site, 2016-11-13
- About this site, 2016-11-13
- About, 2016-11-13
- Betting, 2016-11-12
- Mutt, 2016-11-07
- Digital preservation, 2016-11-03
- Newsbeuter, 2016-10-26
- Exuberant Ctags, 2016-10-26
- Resolving issues with the IRS, 2016-10-15
- Revisiting the “great decline” in Wikipedia pageviews, 2016-10-02
- GiveWell staff growth, 2016-10-01
- ELinks, 2016-09-28
- Vim and newlines, 2016-09-12
- Sleep schedule, 2016-08-28
- Making my working environment portable, 2016-08-28
- Vim, 2016-08-27
- Sure, 2016-08-24
- June 2016 GiveWell board meeting, 2016-08-17
- Religious belief, 2016-08-13
- GiveWell executive compensation, 2016-08-08
- URL parsing, 2016-07-30
- Belief, 2016-07-30
- Is effective altruism new?, 2016-07-25
- Japanese Wikipedia, 2016-07-21
- Linking effectively, 2016-07-12
- Cari Tuna, 2016-06-29
- Dating style, 2016-06-22
- Research habits, 2016-06-21
- Linux tricks, 2016-06-20
- Global public health notes, 2016-04-30
- Math, 2016-04-29
- Education, 2016-04-29
- Computing, 2016-04-29
- CSE 473, 2016-04-18
- MATH 336, 2016-04-13
- University of Washington, 2016-03-30
- Winter 2016 at the University of Washington, 2016-03-21
- MATH 335, 2016-02-21
- Notes on double-majoring in CSE and math at UW, 2016-02-11
- CSE 351, 2016-01-24
- CSE 332, 2016-01-24
- Autumn 2015 at the University of Washington, 2016-01-22
- Dual monitors, 2015-12-27
- Public choice, 2015-12-18
- Sunhat, 2015-11-12
- Identity, 2015-11-02
- Mathematics and notation, 2015-10-29
- Egoism of personal websites, 2015-10-20
- MATH 334, 2015-10-11
- CSE 311, 2015-10-11
- AMATH 383, 2015-10-11
- Comments, 2015-10-10
- Archiving websites on Unix-like systems, 2015-09-22
- Regular screenshots, 2015-09-09
- duplicity, 2015-09-09
- Archiving Facebook, 2015-09-09
- Attic, 2015-09-07
- Colophon, 2015-08-31
- Having a personal website, 2015-08-30
- Quora, 2015-08-27
- Effective altruism and Asperger syndrome, 2015-08-17
- Personal thoughts on licensing, 2015-08-16
- Tag ontology, 2015-08-04
- Overlinking, 2015-08-04
- Good entry point, 2015-08-04
- UW CSE Departmental Orientation, 2015-07-30
- Feed, 2015-07-28
- College computer setup, 2015-07-28
- Cognito Mentoring, 2015-07-27
- Resources for the University of Washington, 2015-07-25
- Profile, 2015-07-25
- mp3splt, 2015-07-22
- Betting odds, 2015-07-20
- ENGL 478, 2015-07-13
- Useful shell commands, 2015-07-11
- Thoughts on using Reddit effectively, 2015-07-11
- Bash, 2015-07-11
- Spring 2015 at the University of Washington, 2015-07-09
- Effective altruism links, 2015-07-07
- Linkability, 2015-07-05
- Status, 2015-06-29
- Information regarding website source and page source, 2015-06-29
- MediaWiki with nginx on Linode, 2015-06-23
- UW: year one in review, 2015-06-21
- Hiring and judging character, 2015-06-21
- MATH 136, 2015-06-11
- ATM S 559, 2015-06-11
- Between mid-June and late September, what is the best time to visit Tokyo?, 2015-05-29
- PHYS 121, 2015-05-27
- What is it like to attend the Seattle Japanese School?, 2015-05-23
- How should I properly pronounce your name?, 2015-05-23
- Advice for young people, 2015-05-02
- Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids, 2015-04-25
- Some thoughts on college education, 2015-04-23
- MATH 135, 2015-03-29
- ENGL 131, 2015-03-29
- CSE 390 (for CSE 143), 2015-03-29
- CSE 143, 2015-03-29
- Winter 2015 at the University of Washington, 2015-03-15
- Honors 394, 2015-03-15
- rsync, 2015-02-28
- Male variance, 2015-02-28
- “He said, she said”, 2015-02-22
- Cause prioritization, 2015-02-22
- Canonical naming, 2015-02-22
- List of analogies, 2015-02-17
- Internet security, 2015-02-13
- Exercise, 2015-02-04
- Questions, 2015-01-30
- EconLog, 2015-01-20
- Autumn 2014 at the University of Washington, 2015-01-15
- CSE 390 (for CSE 142), 2015-01-14
- Commenting on this site, 2015-01-14
- Long-term thinking, 2015-01-12
- Good content, 2015-01-12
- Minimalism, 2015-01-04
- Personal review, 2015-01-03
- Jargon, 2015-01-03
- Not a dictionary, 2015-01-02
- Harassment, 2015-01-02
- Content licensing, 2015-01-02
- Bash shortcuts, 2015-01-02
- Bash aliases, 2015-01-02
- Single source publishing, 2015-01-01
- Requirements for a website, 2015-01-01
- Font configuration, 2015-01-01
- Durable link, 2015-01-01
- Long Content, 2014-12-31
- LessWrong, 2014-12-29
- Open Borders from a cause prioritization viewpoint, 2014-12-28
- Using a tree structure for websites, 2014-12-27
- Having “ideas that are lying around”, 2014-12-27
- Honors 100, 2014-12-20
- CSE 190, 2014-12-20
- CSE 142, 2014-12-20
- The value of content creation, 2014-12-18
- Content availability, 2014-12-18
- Arguments for and against blogs, 2014-12-18
- MATH 134, 2014-12-09
- My UW honors portfolio, 2014-11-23
- Importance of having differently-aged peers, 2014-11-11
- How I communicate, 2014-11-11
- High school student: “Universities should pay me.”, 2014-11-02
- Pandoc, 2014-10-31
- Installing Haskell, 2014-09-14
- Using Hakyll with GitHub Pages, 2014-08-28
- Quantified self, 2014-07-26
- Bee and I, 2014-06-04
- Setting up Jekyll on GitHub, 2014-04-15
- The spider, 2013-02-01
- The Red Leech, 2012-09-23