Analysis of Howard Cooper air hunger videos

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Howard Cooper has two videos about anxiety-based air hunger and how to overcome it. I think the first video is great (although it doesn’t mention all the details I consider essential), but the second video is pretty misleading (although it tries quite hard to fill in the details missing from the first video in a way that is not scary to non-technical people). On this page, I will analyze both videos and explain exactly what I think the videos get right and wrong.

This page started out as a subsection in my air hunger document. You can read the document here.

honestly this section might be way too much detail for most readers. i’m only very passionate about this topic because it took me so long to understand what was going on.

Short summary

What does Howard Cooper’s explanation get wrong?

Video 1

video 1:

(why am i making such a big deal out of his videos? it’s because it’s the first resource that really made things click for me. it’s what got me to start doing breath pauses and nasal breathing. but it wasn’t sufficient because it got the theory a bit wrong and also didn’t have a good solution other than “do some breath pauses” which i now think are not the most effective way to cure air hunger. so, i want to take the good stuff from this video while also correcting the stuff it got wrong.)

Here’s the sequence/flow of the first video as I see it, with the fluff and humor removed. My commentary is in [square brackets].

Video 2

video 2:

sequence/flow of the video:

See also