Buteyko breathing in the West

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This article is pretty interesting. It’s written by Buteyko’s wife, and basically argues that while in Russia the Buteyko method eventually came to be respected, in the West, randos stole the Buteyko brand and went off to teach their own watered-down stuff with garbled theory as a money-making scheme, so Western mainstream doctors rightly rejected the version of Buteyko that they saw. Patrick McKeown is given as an example of one such person who “stole” the Buteyko brand (he’s not named, just mentioned as “a person from Ireland”, but it’s pretty obvious she’s talking about him).

It’s not clear where the blame is (Western doctors for not attempting to trace lineage and try to get the information from the source; Russian Buteyko people for not doing a good job of trying to produce good pedagogy/marketing for Western audiences; the random people who came in and started setting up their own branches).
