Buteyko community and learned helplessness
I am still not super deep into Buteyko stuff, so my views could change, but I currently believe that there’s some learned helplessness going on in the Buteyko community, specifically in regard to the use of capnometers. Konstantin Buteyko himself extensively used a device called the “combine-complexator” that measured end-tidal CO2 levels, among a bunch of other things. When the machines were confiscated or destroyed (I’m not clear on exactly which happened), he shifted to exclusively using breath holds to measure progress (e.g. control pause, maximum pause, positive maximum pause). But at some point, the authorities that were in charge of confiscating or destroying the equipment must have left their positions, and in any case, in other countries this was never a problem. But the Buteyko community (aside from like 2 practitioners I found online) to this day relies exclusively on breath holds to measure progress.